

Monday, March 22, 2010

Petra Pan

the MOvie gallery is closing here in Callahan.
When i was told this i did not think that i would care to go.
I believe/d myself to be free of the lure of cheap and many.
It began with all 6 seasons of Buffy..... 3.99 each.
then found some movies....frida, just like heaven, rachel getting married, royal tannnnenbombs.
others. but yesterday, Yes! yesterday, back again, 3rd trip, found this movie about this guy. French...makes videos for rockstars. first name Michel. he's made vidz for bjork and the foo fighters and chemical bros and Beck and my fave...and i was entranced yrs ago by it and thought of it not long ago, the daft punk vid for around the world, which can seem boring, but once you stare at it you feel like you wantto copy the dance moves and their like on a cake and they're robots, and skeletons and mummies. and it's just so groovy.
But, and this is happening more and more and i should remember to write them, or record them on my new diggie voice recorder, or something, is just the odd blurbs that i've thought or briefly vocalized that manifest themselfves.....
and, back to the but, i liken myself to a 12 yr old metality....13 denotes some form of pubescent growth toward adult hood so 12 it is.
Well, mr Michel has on this dvd menu, a vid of him playing drums with 2 boys, maybe his, under the snare or the timpani ( i do not know what theyare called, but i nknow those terms, and steel and bongo,ooooh na dtalking drum and kettle and...) and on the crash cymbal i think, is a choice that says something along the lines of never having grown older than 12....OMG! He is one of my people. but we'll never meet.
He and Bjork are friends. but i can't take many of her songs. a little, and a movie with her in it going blind. it was bleak. and nobody else watched it with me.

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