

Sunday, May 16, 2010

and here's something else
and yes, i bitch about a lot of things, and don't really have interesting things that others are doing are making or expounding upon
but dammit!!!!!!!!!!!!! why do we have to have so much that is to be disposed of.
of which is to be disposed???????????

i buy vinegar (of which to perhaps discipline myself at some point to drink a smidge each day)
and the bottles are beautiful plastic pitchery decanter type forms.
I CANNOT save them, but so desperately wish to.
I do not have my hundred acres as of yet, upon which iwillll construct structures to house all these incomplete thoughts.
of witch
(and let me tell you of her and that body, and her sarcastic but generally harmless wit)
I wonder where that little coven went...........................

I like this theory that Jesus of Nazareth feigned his crucisfictiosnaiotnW
Why would that be so heretical?
is the son of God not alllowed to wish for long life and progeny?
holding his sensual wife close while they continue to pursue...........what were they pursuing?
like gender equality
oh the Gaul

there's this really itchy spot, half way down my back...on the far left....
it's been there for awhile
I ghet mark to scratch it a lot, but usually i have to use a medium bristled brush toeradicate the nuisance...there are no marks, or pimples, or bites, or puckers to denote an epidermal disturbance that wuold warrant the necesiiity for itchin'

done bitchin'
ooooh....1 minute left.......
what else............


  1. It is only heretical if you profess to believe otherwise.

    I sit here, night after night, contemplating, speculating. Reading, watching. Yest I was to have returned to work. Instead, I fell asleep sometime after 5am. I called my HR to advise them that I would not be in. Then I slept until after 7pm.

    What purpose? To what end? I wonder. Evolutionary Biology would dictate that the man would want to reproduce. But what you are suggesting would shake the foundation of Christian belief systems, were it true.

    To what benefit, consuming vinegar? Is that a weight loss gimick?

    Right now I am watching Maria Bartiromo. She is talking to the Mayor of las Vegas, Nevada.

    People are going to Las Vegas, but they are not spending.

  2. All night, the commercials are for accident attorneys. Sears is now in on the gold buy back. The purchased gold is then going to be transformed into gold pieces for sale at Kmart and Sears. I am out there, purposeless. Hmpf.

    Jack LaLanne is on again. Why would someone want to live to 90? I used to be a CNA in a nursing home. People just sat there, in their wheelchairs, vacillating between {seemingly} consciousness and unconsciousness. Why?

    I think this juicer jams more because they are encouraging you to put whole pieces of fruit and veggies.
