

Monday, February 22, 2010

Experienced disappointment tonight.
This was after a 2 hour period of learning and laughing and talking with my friend about.....whatever. So, the disappointment (which is not due to anything that will have a great impact upon my well being, for the most part) was not an issue for the bearer of the news...
And this is where I find fault with many planetary coinhabitants of the humanoid form.
I HATE to disappoint a of those who will "apologize it into the ground" .

What makes someone overly sensitive to other people's emotions, while others exsist without giving a rat's ass for what someone else is feeling?

I long for that middle to empathize and sympathize in certain situations, but also able to let the worry and concern go over something that is not a biggy.
Still want to get across that I am truly sorry, but do it in a concise and genuine manner, knowing that the recipient "gets it".....Then go eat a box of donuts.

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