So blastedly hot and stifling
And unable to focus.
There's a haze in the air, over the river
Everything's gray.
Like standing next to a big flatpaint battle ship.
Heat felt a good 5 feet away.
So hot.
The garden dirt burn my souls.
And i'm inadvertantly standing in a small pile of ants.
And Mr Shelton starts playing oldschool soul
so dammed loud
And I move, while i pull weeds, and flick ants away from my fingers and toes.
The neighbors have spent 1000 dollars on yardlife.
the sisters are 1/2 Panamanian.
And mesmerizing from a distance.
The older sister tells the younger what to do.
the younger one has 2 boys, one 13, and she looks 17.
People don't get out in this heat, much.
They have water close to them.
And i ache for a freezing pool
Gasping upon enveloping contact.
That goddammed job would never have afforded me one anyway.
NOt until later, and i want the pool now.
I don't like this song on the radio.
And the children's teeth are coated in icecream&soda
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