

Sunday, June 20, 2010

I find it very hard to believe i got no comment on the story of the old lady and the red purse.


  1. I do not believe that I saw that story.

    I was deleting things off my hard drive on this portable computer. I have been sleeping in what should be my spare room since March. I don't know why I have not returned to my room. I can tell you that I have been dreaming like crazy since march. It probably is not causal, but I am sure that there is some king of relationship. It was right around then that I had a manic 'episode' as the doc described it. She seems to think it is over.

    I like your new layout but it was hard for me to figure out how to comment.

    I remember that it was called Immaculate Conception (from CCD- Catholic 'Sunday School,' although it was on Saturdays) because God kept Mary free from Sin, people (including some catholics) often think that it is referring to the conception of Jesus. It is actually referring to the conception of Mary by her parents.

    Too bad about Mrs. Turner. I am sorry for anyone grieving her death. It is a question I have been contemplating- is it better to have loved and suffered loss or to have never have known love? They often say that (I don't know who they, this is antecdotal from my nursing home CNA days) older persons die within a year of losing their spouse. Therefore, that loss must be monumental. But what about someone like me who has never known love? There were times that I thought I knew what it might be. But I really never have. I do not seem to be dying because I have spent all this time without it. Or maybe all these ailments are the result in some way of never having known love.

    I never even considered such an idea. Most of the things wrong with me fit in to a category called Auto-immune diseases. My own body attacking itself. Maybe I will try to explore this idea next time I cannot sleep and have access to the internet.

    Hope your head feels better, friend.

  2. Saturday is the true Sabbath,
    I've never heard that about mary....that's interesting.
    stop it with the love thing.
    I think that it is highly overrated.
    Sure, we love one another, partners, lovers, family, whatever, but it brings with it a whole host of trouble as well.
    And primates are not monogamous, monogomous????
    so, men are always wanting to inseminate others, and women fall prey to anyone who makes em feel perdy.
    contempt with the familiar, but then when it's gone it is mourned.
    So, i wish to love myself, the things i make, my children's creativity.
    my pets, the comfort Mark and i have with one another,.....sometimes,
    But friend, you have lots of people who love you and like to do things with you.
    I wonder if that can ever suffice for lack of intimacy.

  3. Wow. I agree with some. I have been thinking about this. It is probably not best to be "exploring" it on your blog... Still I must reject your rebuke except it should be in my own blog that I ponder, I guess. As you know, a lot suddenly added to my "issues". Yes, I have many contacts. None that belong to me or that I belong to. Maybe that was not being conveyed. But that is my sentiment. That is what I am referring to when I use the word love.
