She, and yeah, i;m gonna refer to myself as such, is feeling super the moment
Her beautiful girl does not have too many friends to play with on her street....a little one down at the end of the road, but they just never seem to meet up.
And down at that end there is a cul-de-sac...(sounds pancreatic like, that term, gastronomic)
And that infrastructural formation, she believes..oops,almost did firsty, is probably one of the safest of those asphalt people can't drive by real quick and sit and grab a kid kkinda thing
Her child had made "friends" with her mother's friend's child..(different family, around the corner)
Her mother loves this mother very much, because, like her, she is struggling with unfulfilled desire to be self-sufficient and to have a true understanding of her place in the world, blah, blah, blah, and retching sounds....
The 2 girls seemed to hit it off, play in a very typical manner, entertain one another in giddy fashion, but her daughter has recently come to her to tell her that the friend goes out of her way to ignore her.....Her mother even watched the child ignore her when she instructed her daughter to confront the child about not speaking to her. Her mother believes in teaching the child how to speak up for herself, handle difficult situations in an honest and forthcoming manner. Truth about the situation is the most effective...
As the mother watched the child ignore her, the mother called to the child to tell her that her child was speaking to her and she didn't understand why she wouldn't respond.
She replied to the mother by saying, "I have a headache."
The child's mother (the mother friend) supported her child's response by reinforcing her claim, "Yes, she's got a headache."
Ok.....she let it go, but felt and knew that it wasthe beginning of seeing part of that child's personality that will be problematic and indicative of someone who doesn't treat others fairly.
This incident was filed away, and could easily have been deleted, but other occurrences would soon glue, staple and nail the coffin shut on the 2 girls developing much of a good friendship.
She, whose child has been treated unfairly, has felt remorse over the situation. She was hoping the 2 girls would grow up together, not unlike the sibling-type relationship she had with her next door neighbor for 20 years or so.
Her daughter, since the "headache" incident, has informed her that the child will ignore her repeatedly on the bus, has even asked to be moved away from her (as they sat together from the beginning of the year, willingly, excitedly).....and her child said,"it's ok, I don't mind not having anyone to talk to on the bus (and that broke her heart).
The best though, was when she went to pick both of her children up from an hour-and-a-half period of play at "headache's" house....The child had left her daughter behind, at her home, to go off and play with someone else. Her child was standing in the driveway with red swollen eyes and was pissed off when the mom came to get her. She informed her mother that the child had left to go play with another girl a few houses down, and when her mother asked "why didn't you go?" she responded, "she told me i wasn't invited and that I wasn't allowed"
Oooh...that mama was pissed... she told the daddy that her child had been left out and she called the mama of the child as well. Now, this mother is not one to fight, nope, she feels pretty wimpy most of the time, so she, as tactfully and rambling as always, made it clear that she did not want to force her child upon another who didn't want to play with her. The mother of "headache" did state that her child should not have left the house with a friend over. The friend apologized to the offended the next day on the bus, but, as stated previously, has since asked to move away from her.
Final incident, so far.....both girls take a dancing class together. She has told her daughter not to go out of her way anymore to have conversations with this girl...and why should she if she doesn't know whether or not the child will respond.....But, in order to remain civil, she should not ignore the child if she comes to speak to her....Remain warm and kind, but be guarded and look for friends who aren't as unpredictable. As they, both women and daughters, were leaving the dance school, the girl ( in very comedic fashion) ran to give "headache" a hug....arms stretched, legs almost tap dancing, making a silly goodbye noise as she ran to her...As soon as she reached the girl the girl made a very strong, clear, and bothersome turn from her, perpetuating her desire to show the child that she......what.....I don't know not receptive to the child's show of affection and friendship......"headache's" mother saw it happening and looked to the offended child's mother as she (offended, me) made a face of disappointment and hurt.....the mother did announce, speaking for her troubled child, "Goodnight" directed toward the child who'd attempted to show a bit of love and silliness toward her friend.
This mother's heart still aches thinking of it. But , lessons learned, some pain, time to look to others with a brighter light...and she feels pity for "headache"...Something's going on inside that is making her feel as if she should treat certain others in a poor and demeaning manner. Most likely others who don't exhibit mean and bossy and dominant personalities...."weaker" in a society of might being admired.....might in a mean and belittling sense....Hearkening back to a commentary about issues from childhood leading into a need to dominate others who aren't defensive.
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