Beginning to contemplate homeschooling my children.
Only so that i can have a stronger connection with them and learn what they are learning.
Now, i do not socialize much at all so i would need lots of groups for them to be part of.
And it could work, but i can't tolerate the "are you saved" crap. And a lotof the groups are centered around that. And y'know, it's wrong of me to pass my judgement upon those individuals or groups who profess devotion to a certain faith (i harbor resentment for personal experiences revolving around the stipulations and dogma and weakening attempts to still control groups through exclusion of others unless they believe as we do)
Sidebar: i tend not to immediately recoil from individuals who study or participate in Judaism or any of the Eastern faiths, etc.....but that probably is connected to my early encounters with religion. my mama raised a Roman Catholic in Scotland...guilt in the 40's and 50's, mine more to do with attending friends' southern churches of a certain denomination and the show of sin spewing and crying on the stage/altar, loud finger pointing and witnessing requirements..i just could never get into that.....Oh my gosh....and here's an even better sidebar.....After i'd finally realized that i was not cutout for the southern conventions and having to constantly detremine if my thoughts were those of sin and if so must repent and shouldn't associate with others unless they have "accepted Jeezusas their saviour" I spied my girlfriend in 10thgrade English looking forlorn and perplexed...She was one with whom i'd attended 2 or 3 HUGE services at a HUGE downtown church.....I was beginning to pull away from this friendship (lots of reasons, not just religious, she was way better than me at just about everything so i felt super stupid) and in this conversation she began to open up to me about some of the failings that she saw among the teenaged youth at her church.....And what's funny is that i've heard this same mentality reccounted by others.
She painted a portrait of big downtown church youth populace commited to no sexual intercourse before marriage....Must remain vaginally intact (my words, not then though, i just listened.) But, and she began crying as she confessed their misdeeds...........
her best girlfriend in the group was performing unimaginable felatio upon her fellow bible boybuddy. and it was commonplace among many of the cute good-book-toting couples.
They believed this to be acceptable in the eyes of the Lord........"I promise you Jesus, there was no penetration involved.....wanna see, fresh and ripe as the day is long, oh holy host."
So yeah, must work on developing more acceptance of those who profess a devout belief in Christianity, even the fundamental crap, long as it don't try to make me feel bad.But only i allow others to make me feel bad.....damn! i'm such a bloody pushover.....
Deep South = fundamentalist homeschool social groups....crap!
There must be some who homeschool who are just seeing the changes in the system and the problems public schools are facing and the trend toward disrepect as the norm who wish to nurture a true love of knowledge acquistion and familial interaction....bonding with my brood academically. You are God....Humanity and Creation.....Creating
JesusGod and Buddha and Mr D Lama and Mario Lopez and my cherry blossom tree that's not dead!!!!!! hallelujah!!!!!!
I've killed God quite a few times.
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