

Sunday, May 30, 2010

i think periodically about this tiny old lady that i met in one of the little strip shop set-ups on St George Street...
I don't remember the store, what it sold, but she was so very old and frail.

It was so long ago. Probably 14 yrs back.
Someone in an adjoining shop said that she was an investing genius. an oracle.
And so i went into her shop and she looked at me warmly.
And someone i do not know was with me.
And we began discussing investments.
and i had no freaking clue what she was talking about, but i listened.
She advised that 2 wise investments would be pallets and soy........
and i remember thinking.....PALLETS?! how bland and boring.
Wasn't super familiar with soy at the time, other than as a health food.
I told Mark and he didn't seen impressed with any of it.
(must work on resentment issues.....MWonRI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
So,that energy died, as many have.......wah, wah, wah......(bootstraps, bootstraps, snappy waist)

As I enjoy coming to insterstate overpasses (especially ones where there is a long straight stretch of road up to the crisscross, so the view is runway-esque) anticipating a beautiful color combo on 18 wheelahs......It always catches my eyes that numerous truck beds are loaded with these wooden slapped togehter skinny cubes....a few slats busted, unfinished forms, piled up a good 10 feet or so, flying down the to a port, or grocery warehouse, or appliance center.
So basic, and so necessary, and so easy to repair....and i may have started a buisness of building them and maybe making them asthetically entertaining. some lyrically adorned....uplifting, lots of humorous blurbs.....some racy
and soy......
independent wealth!!!!!!!!!

upcoming bitch fest: not being taken for much worth in sodium (nitrate)...maybe a teense in Chloride.

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