i think periodically about this tiny old lady that i met in one of the little strip shop set-ups on St George Street...
I don't remember the store, what it sold, but she was so very old and frail.
It was so long ago. Probably 14 yrs back.
Someone in an adjoining shop said that she was an investing genius. an oracle.
And so i went into her shop and she looked at me warmly.
And someone i do not know was with me.
And we began discussing investments.
and i had no freaking clue what she was talking about, but i listened.
She advised that 2 wise investments would be pallets and soy........
and i remember thinking.....PALLETS?! how bland and boring.
Wasn't super familiar with soy at the time, other than as a health food.
I told Mark and he didn't seen impressed with any of it.
(must work on resentment issues.....MWonRI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
So,that energy died, as many have.......wah, wah, wah......(bootstraps, bootstraps, snappy waist)
As I enjoy coming to insterstate overpasses (especially ones where there is a long straight stretch of road up to the crisscross, so the view is runway-esque) anticipating a beautiful color combo on 18 wheelahs......It always catches my eyes that numerous truck beds are loaded with these wooden slapped togehter skinny cubes....a few slats busted, unfinished forms, piled up a good 10 feet or so, flying down the highway.....off to a port, or grocery warehouse, or appliance center.
So basic, and so necessary, and so easy to repair....and i may have started a buisness of building them and maybe making them asthetically entertaining. some lyrically adorned....uplifting, lots of humorous blurbs.....some racy
and soy......
independent wealth!!!!!!!!!
upcoming bitch fest: not being taken for much worth in sodium (nitrate)...maybe a teense in Chloride.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
How lovely....All these flowing thoughts-when they are immortalized, profound in their placement
(center circle, or possibly a geometric offshoot, or perhaps even a twiggy branch)
so nurtured into form
years of freedom,
indifference to opposing opinion.
and the phicle is predetermined by natural dictates.
However, strong foresight, while not nearly as titillating, allows for a potentially peaceful passing
A sheen about the crown
(Mark Hilpert was massaging mine at his memorial service-----it was tingling as if i might lift from the pew whilst 4 men played in a band; a beautiful deep melody, marble mouthed strains)
So pick yourself up bythe boot straps, or slipping girdle, and think about how great you really are. and will be, And all those turtles, and lizzzzards, and little green frogs, and kitties, and a dog or two, and the bones left from dinner with their martyred sacredness put back into the dirt, respectfully.......will help you glide, womblike, into the ascending spheres............
I wish to go their from time-to-time.
But still comeback
for now.
(center circle, or possibly a geometric offshoot, or perhaps even a twiggy branch)
so nurtured into form
years of freedom,
indifference to opposing opinion.
and the phicle is predetermined by natural dictates.
However, strong foresight, while not nearly as titillating, allows for a potentially peaceful passing
A sheen about the crown
(Mark Hilpert was massaging mine at his memorial service-----it was tingling as if i might lift from the pew whilst 4 men played in a band; a beautiful deep melody, marble mouthed strains)
So pick yourself up bythe boot straps, or slipping girdle, and think about how great you really are. and will be, And all those turtles, and lizzzzards, and little green frogs, and kitties, and a dog or two, and the bones left from dinner with their martyred sacredness put back into the dirt, respectfully.......will help you glide, womblike, into the ascending spheres............
I wish to go their from time-to-time.
But still comeback
for now.
Monday, May 17, 2010
I returned a movie to redbox at the Winndixiceshopping center here in Callahan, this morning.
It's raining and it's taking some of the bite off my dimentia.
I had to park in frontof the Dollar General and walk around to the machine...
After i'd returned my movie i walked back by the only laundromat (laundrette is so much more poetic and Anglo) we have in cally
It was a fab second or 2 of sensory stimulation, good stimulation.
The place smellled ofsoap powder and the white noise hum of the machines and the gentle tapping of the rain and a mild cigarette smell warmed me spiritually.
England came to mind, the soap smell and rain's mostly why.
And it made me wonder why ifeel such fondness andwarmth when i am reminded in an olfactory manner of England.
such fondness.
My grandmother was never overjoyed to be with us. She was suffering from depression and could be a bit crotchety....not lighthearted and running around, but not always awful.
I had lots of time there with my cousins and lots of time to be on my own, in the English sun.
And it was always cool and smelled sweetly of flowers,lavender and sage, roses
and green
Grass that leaves smudges on white summer pants.
And the character of the old buildings, stone and old door frames
And the windows of small residences along the townstreets
windows with little figurines, gray glossy porcelain horses, or oriental men.
And the rosey faces, so many rosey faces...apple cheeked youth.
spikey haired
school uniforms with loosened ties.
I embarrassed my cousin Charlotte once.
We went when i was 18 or 19 one summer.
I'd promised some friends i'd get a few things for them.
For lee i found a beautiful itchy wool tie and a card with a woman dressed in bondage straps, wrapped around her enormous breasts, it was sooooo hot, and Charlotte was seriously blushing when she walked with me to the register, and i had not received a bag for the card in the shop where i'd purchased it, so i asked for a small bag in another place and she told me that they do not do that there....i was like, "do what?"
"ask for a bag for something purchased in another store"
hmph......that's silly.
I wonder if there are still those stiff upper lip queer little social etiquette whatever foible kinda things engrained in my people i do so adore............................
It's raining and it's taking some of the bite off my dimentia.
I had to park in frontof the Dollar General and walk around to the machine...
After i'd returned my movie i walked back by the only laundromat (laundrette is so much more poetic and Anglo) we have in cally
It was a fab second or 2 of sensory stimulation, good stimulation.
The place smellled ofsoap powder and the white noise hum of the machines and the gentle tapping of the rain and a mild cigarette smell warmed me spiritually.
England came to mind, the soap smell and rain's mostly why.
And it made me wonder why ifeel such fondness andwarmth when i am reminded in an olfactory manner of England.
such fondness.
My grandmother was never overjoyed to be with us. She was suffering from depression and could be a bit crotchety....not lighthearted and running around, but not always awful.
I had lots of time there with my cousins and lots of time to be on my own, in the English sun.
And it was always cool and smelled sweetly of flowers,lavender and sage, roses
and green
Grass that leaves smudges on white summer pants.
And the character of the old buildings, stone and old door frames
And the windows of small residences along the townstreets
windows with little figurines, gray glossy porcelain horses, or oriental men.
And the rosey faces, so many rosey faces...apple cheeked youth.
spikey haired
school uniforms with loosened ties.
I embarrassed my cousin Charlotte once.
We went when i was 18 or 19 one summer.
I'd promised some friends i'd get a few things for them.
For lee i found a beautiful itchy wool tie and a card with a woman dressed in bondage straps, wrapped around her enormous breasts, it was sooooo hot, and Charlotte was seriously blushing when she walked with me to the register, and i had not received a bag for the card in the shop where i'd purchased it, so i asked for a small bag in another place and she told me that they do not do that there....i was like, "do what?"
"ask for a bag for something purchased in another store"
hmph......that's silly.
I wonder if there are still those stiff upper lip queer little social etiquette whatever foible kinda things engrained in my people i do so adore............................
Sunday, May 16, 2010
and here's something else
and yes, i bitch about a lot of things, and don't really have interesting things that others are doing are making or expounding upon
but dammit!!!!!!!!!!!!! why do we have to have so much that is to be disposed of.
of which is to be disposed???????????
i buy vinegar (of which to perhaps discipline myself at some point to drink a smidge each day)
and the bottles are beautiful plastic pitchery decanter type forms.
I CANNOT save them, but so desperately wish to.
I do not have my hundred acres as of yet, upon which iwillll construct structures to house all these incomplete thoughts.
of witch
(and let me tell you of her and that body, and her sarcastic but generally harmless wit)
I wonder where that little coven went...........................
I like this theory that Jesus of Nazareth feigned his crucisfictiosnaiotnW
Why would that be so heretical?
is the son of God not alllowed to wish for long life and progeny?
holding his sensual wife close while they continue to pursue...........what were they pursuing?
like gender equality
oh the Gaul
there's this really itchy spot, half way down my back...on the far left....
it's been there for awhile
I ghet mark to scratch it a lot, but usually i have to use a medium bristled brush toeradicate the nuisance...there are no marks, or pimples, or bites, or puckers to denote an epidermal disturbance that wuold warrant the necesiiity for itchin'
done bitchin'
ooooh....1 minute left.......
what else............
and yes, i bitch about a lot of things, and don't really have interesting things that others are doing are making or expounding upon
but dammit!!!!!!!!!!!!! why do we have to have so much that is to be disposed of.
of which is to be disposed???????????
i buy vinegar (of which to perhaps discipline myself at some point to drink a smidge each day)
and the bottles are beautiful plastic pitchery decanter type forms.
I CANNOT save them, but so desperately wish to.
I do not have my hundred acres as of yet, upon which iwillll construct structures to house all these incomplete thoughts.
of witch
(and let me tell you of her and that body, and her sarcastic but generally harmless wit)
I wonder where that little coven went...........................
I like this theory that Jesus of Nazareth feigned his crucisfictiosnaiotnW
Why would that be so heretical?
is the son of God not alllowed to wish for long life and progeny?
holding his sensual wife close while they continue to pursue...........what were they pursuing?
like gender equality
oh the Gaul
there's this really itchy spot, half way down my back...on the far left....
it's been there for awhile
I ghet mark to scratch it a lot, but usually i have to use a medium bristled brush toeradicate the nuisance...there are no marks, or pimples, or bites, or puckers to denote an epidermal disturbance that wuold warrant the necesiiity for itchin'
done bitchin'
ooooh....1 minute left.......
what else............
god i've been crying so much.
Today's been better for feeling..............purposeful..........
purposeful porpoise
And i just wonder why such odd and random things might happen.
seeing a dead animal on the road
One that is not seen too often.
I've seen 2 dead alligators
I've seen 2 or 3 dead foxes lately
I've seen a dead coyote here and there.
One time i caught the remnants of a dead deer at the intersection of I95 and A1A in Yulee...and for a good number of minutes i believed it to be a kangaroo.
The worst was the dead blackbear.
we were down in the ft meyers area after Paul died.
i was with his widow and her sister.
we were driving to get a boy from the airport.
It was the boy who'd tried to stop Paul.
He was holding him when he took his life.
Steve...I think.
And as we turned off the exit of the interstate we saw the pitiful creature, there, with some forestry/wildlife person standing over it....It was so pitiful, lumbering still in its hulking eternal rest.
lumbering slumber
Carolyn looked at me and gasped that she wished she hadn't seen it, and i thought the same...it is forever in my mind.
and i clearly remember looking to see where he could possibly have come from, and directly behind him, vast acreage had been cleared, raped of anything organic, choking powdery soil, with an enormous Cracker Barrel sign shoved at the edge of it all. His home was gone.
Today's been better for feeling..............purposeful..........
purposeful porpoise
And i just wonder why such odd and random things might happen.
seeing a dead animal on the road
One that is not seen too often.
I've seen 2 dead alligators
I've seen 2 or 3 dead foxes lately
I've seen a dead coyote here and there.
One time i caught the remnants of a dead deer at the intersection of I95 and A1A in Yulee...and for a good number of minutes i believed it to be a kangaroo.
The worst was the dead blackbear.
we were down in the ft meyers area after Paul died.
i was with his widow and her sister.
we were driving to get a boy from the airport.
It was the boy who'd tried to stop Paul.
He was holding him when he took his life.
Steve...I think.
And as we turned off the exit of the interstate we saw the pitiful creature, there, with some forestry/wildlife person standing over it....It was so pitiful, lumbering still in its hulking eternal rest.
lumbering slumber
Carolyn looked at me and gasped that she wished she hadn't seen it, and i thought the same...it is forever in my mind.
and i clearly remember looking to see where he could possibly have come from, and directly behind him, vast acreage had been cleared, raped of anything organic, choking powdery soil, with an enormous Cracker Barrel sign shoved at the edge of it all. His home was gone.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Oh Mildred, and the love you share...
and that long manageable hair.
And the time you've had
with a mind so desired.
I bet you've been one who's inspired....
Lots of thoughts of admiration,
(like marine mammal echolocation)
And how hip and happening your beginning
In your patient and self enlightening decades,
your sisters knew you'd end up winning.
And so Mildred
(and I love and at the front)
glasses raised to you and yours
and your happy life of intellect.......
windblown catherine on the moors
and that long manageable hair.
And the time you've had
with a mind so desired.
I bet you've been one who's inspired....
Lots of thoughts of admiration,
(like marine mammal echolocation)
And how hip and happening your beginning
In your patient and self enlightening decades,
your sisters knew you'd end up winning.
And so Mildred
(and I love and at the front)
glasses raised to you and yours
and your happy life of intellect.......
windblown catherine on the moors
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