

Thursday, August 26, 2010

I am so tired, but could easily be jolted, even just for a bit of time, from my bloody bored skull.
I am so tired, but one must stiffen the upper lip and continue to scour away.....soak soak soak....regular wash cycle....the damned stain didn't come out. leftovers and 3 annual trips to the in-laws for deep south carb laden substitute......And people will never come out here....they're too set as we age.....even with my disco balls spinning, and ecclehclehclehtic mix of melody, and fattening food and liquor....they are too old.
And I am too withdrawn.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

not familiar with some of this
So goddammed sheltered
passively defensive

contempt AND comfort with everyday

And now there is new and damaged
drawn to its furnace
And the heat escapes through the irises
And the pseudo-punk bourgeois princess would love to just take a flying leap from the turreted window
God that would be fun
but as usual, there would be birdshit to avoid, and jagged edges on the tower...narrowly missed, probably ricocheting some, bloodied
The blood is so bright lately

Sunday, August 22, 2010

And I;ve contemplated the same friend.
So i just sit, and don't talk, and wish to interact in some form, but the "no talking" has to suffice. A life of subpar conversation=little stimulation......labotomized.